Monday, October 24, 2016

IPC-9121 Troubleshooting PCB Fabrication Processes

IPC Releases IPC-9121, Troubleshooting PCB Fabrication Processes

IPC has released IPC-9121, Troubleshooting PCB Fabrication Processes, an essential resource for anyone involved in manufacturing or purchasing printed circuit boards (PCBs). This new handbook contains more than 650 PCB process defects, with causes and corrective actions for each. It also includes hundreds of full-color photos demonstrating real-world process defects.

IPC-9121 organizes these process defects by the manufacturing steps in the process where they can occur — imaging, resists, protective coatings, drilling, surface prep, etching chemistries, lamination, final finishes, etc. — and summarizes causes and solutions for each. This resource enables the process engineer to quickly find and resolve process defects in-house, saving your company money and keeping quality product flowing to your customers.

“The IPC-9121 handbook presents common problems, solutions and correctives actions required in the manufacturing of printed circuit boards,” said Chris Jorgenson, director of technology transfer at IPC.  “It is a valuable troubleshooting tool that every process engineer involved with manufacturing of printed circuit boards should have.”

IPC-9121 PCB FabricationIPC-9121 is now available for purchase from Publications. To order this handbook follow:  Troubleshooting PCB Fabrication Processes.

IPC-9121 Troubleshooting PCB Fabrication Processes

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