Tuesday, February 11, 2014

iNEMI Roadmap 2014 New Initiatives

iNEMI (International Electronics Manufacturing Initiative) has identified nine new topics to be pursued for new project development this year. The potential projects are diverse, ranging from automotive (new materials and specifications for high-power and high-density PCBs used under the hood), to medical electronics (testing of implantable devices), to recommendations for high-reliability soldering of QFN-type packages for high-reliability applications.

How Initiatives were Identified

These new initiatives were identified through a survey of iNEMI members and the electronics industry at large to determine support for potential initiatives identified by the 2013 Roadmap and in subsequent gap analysis discussions.

We received input from 165 individuals representing a good mix of companies up and down the supply chain, along with research institutes and universities, and with strong input from all three major geographic regions.

Factors in the Final Choice

In making the final determination, we looked for critical mass in the number of organizations that indicated an interest in participating in a specific initiative, and assessed the potential leadership for these efforts. We also assessed our members’ interests and needs, along with several other factors.

Next Steps

We will develop formation teams for these nine initiatives between now and the end of Q2. People who volunteered to co-chair and who indicated interest in a specific topic will be asked to participate in the initial Statement of Work (SOW) definition. When the draft SOW is in place, we will issue a call for participation to all other interested parties.

The iNEMI Roadmap has become recognized as an important tool for defining the “state of the art” in the electronics industry as well as identifying emerging and disruptive technologies.  It also includes keys to developing future iNEMI projects and setting industry R&D priorities over the next 10 years.

The roadmap identifies major trends in the evolution of technology across numerous disciplines, with an emphasis on identifying potentially disruptive events (business and technology). It provides the information needed to identify critical technology and infrastructure gaps, prioritize R&D needs to meet those gaps, and initiate activities that address industry needs.

Through its roadmaps, iNEMI charts future opportunities and challenges for the electronics manufacturing industry.  Current version, the 2013 iNEMI Roadmap is the most comprehensive roadmap published to date by the International Electronics Manufacturing Initiative (iNEMI).  The 2013 Roadmap was developed by 20 Technology Working Groups (TWGs) in response to inputs regarding technology needs from representatives of OEMs in six Product Emulator Groups (PEGs).

iNEMI Roadmap 2013  can also be purchased by chapters from Electronics.ca Publications:

Product Emulator Groups

Business Technologies

Manufacturing Technologies


iNEMI Roadmap 2014 New Initiatives

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