Thursday, April 3, 2014

Worldwide Smartphone 2014–2018 Forecast and Analysis

This study examines the worldwide smartphone market for 2013–2018. According to this report, the smartphone market, having reached 1.0 billion units shipped in 2013, will increase 19.3% and reach a total of 1.2 billion units shipped in 2014. From there, total smartphone shipments will reach 1.7 billion units in 2018, resulting in a CAGR of 11.5%. The worldwide smartphone market is heading for certain growth, although we are starting to see that growth beginning to slow down in the latter years of our forecast. Underpinning the market is a constantly shifting operating system landscape, and although we anticipate that Android will maintain leadership throughout our forecast period, iOS" market share will flatten out but remain the clear number 2 behind Android. Windows Phone will continue to make strides but will not achieve greater than 10% market share. Finally, we have taken a conservative approach on BlackBerry as the company retrenches itself and focuses on key markets and market segments.Details of the new report, table of contents and ordering information can be found on Publications" web site. View the report: Worldwide Smartphone 2014–2018 Forecast and Analysis.

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