Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Internet of Things (IoT): Business Opportunities 2015-2025

The Internet of People runs to billions of devices already. The Internet of Things will involve ubiquitous smart objects that sense and communicate directly over the internet creating better data without human intervention. Its time has come because there are now enough IP addresses available for tens of billions of items, hardware costs are now affordable and large companies are backing it. There are far more things than people so it could overtake the IoP business eventually. In 2024, tens of billions of smart objects are likely to be involved.

Some call the Internet of Things (IoT) as encompassing the Internet of People (ubiquitous internet enabled personal electronics) but the two are very different in construction, applications and maturity. This report concentrates exclusively on the new phenomenon of the IoT use Cisco terminology for smart objects with IP addresses and usually with sensing i.e. sensor networks oriented. RFID is scarcely involved. Key are microcontrollers, potentially billions a year, with sensor interfaces and wireless interfaces. These will serve human needs from medical to entertainment without human intervention every time.

Details of the new report, table of contents and ordering information can be found on Publications" web site. View the report: Internet of Things (IoT): Business Opportunities 2015-2025.

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