Friday, January 15, 2016

New Amendments for J-STD-001F and IPC-A-610F

Now Available: Amendments for J-STD-001F and IPC-A-610F

In order to keep up with industry demand, IPC has released amendments for J-STD-001F, Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies, and IPC-A-610F, Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies. For each standard, IPC-A-610F Amendment 1 and IPC-J-STD-001F Amendment 1 represents a critical shift to deliver necessary updates to these already robust standards.

Why wait? Download these Necessary Amendments Today!

With topics ranging from vertical hole fill to BGA voiding, these amendments include updates that:

Reintroduce the Space Shuttle symbol to show where there are different criteria in the J-STD-001FS, Space Applications Electronic Hardware Addendum to IPC J-STD-001F, Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies

Revise the Class 2 requirements for vertical solder fill on plated through holes with less than 14 leads to include requirements when there is a connected internal thermal plane

Eliminate requirements for BGA voiding for BGA components with noncollapsing balls

Download IPC-J-STD-001F and IPC-A-610F PDFDemonstrate the importance of quality in your operations by using the most current standard amendments.

Update today with IPC-A-610F Amendment 1 and IPC J-STD-001F Amendment 1!

NOTE: The amendments are being sold in a downloadable format only.


New Amendments for J-STD-001F and IPC-A-610F

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