Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Flexible, Organic and Printed Electronics Market Forecast

New market research report, entitled Printed, Organic & Flexible Electronics: Forecasts, Players & Opportunities, provides the most comprehensive view of the topic, giving detailed ten year forecasts by device type. The market is analyzed by territory, printed vs non printed, rigid vs flexible, inorganic vs organic, cost of materials vs process cost and much more, with over 160 tables and figures. Activities of over 1,000 leading companies are given, as is assessment of the winners and losers to come.

The total market for Flexible, Organic and printed electronics will be worth over $70 billion by 2024. The majority of that is OLEDs (organic but not printed) and conductive ink used for a wide range of applications. On the other hand, stretchable electronics, logic and memory, thin film sensors are much smaller segments but with huge growth potential as they emerge from R&D.

Flexible, organic and printed electronics market forecast by component type in US$ billions*

Source: IDTechEx * For the full forecast data please purchase this report

The following components are assessed, and for each one ten year forecasts are given, along with companies and their activities, case studies, impediments to commercialization and timescales:

  • Logic and memory

  • OLED displays

  • OLED lighting

  • Electrophoretic and other bistable displays

  • Electrochromic displays

  • Electroluminescent displays

  • Other displays

  • Thin film batteries

  • Photovoltaics

  • Sensors

  • Conductors

  • Other

If you are looking to understand the big picture, the opportunity, the problems you can address, or how you can start to use these technologies and the implications involved, this report is a must.  Details of the new report, table of contents and ordering information can be found on Publications’ web site: Printed, Organic & Flexible Electronics: Forecasts, Players & Opportunities

Partial list of tables:

 1. Description and analysis of the main technology components of printed and potentially printed electronics

1.2. Current opportunity, market size and profitability

1.3. Market forecast by component type for 2015-2025 in US $ billions, for printed and potentially printed electronics including organic, inorganic and composites

1.4. The different states of readiness of organic and inorganic electronic technologies (semiconductors and conductors)

1.5. Spend on organic versus inorganic materials 2015-2025 US$ billion

1.6. Split of material types by component

1.7. Market value $ billions of only printed electronics 2015-2025

1.8. Total market value of printed versus non-printed electronics 2015-2025 US$ billion

1.9. Market value $ billions of only flexible/conformal electronics 2015-2025

1.10. Total market value of flexible/conformal versus rigid electronics 2015-2025 in US$ billion

1.11. The market for printed and potentially printed electronics by territory in $ billion 2015-2025

1.12. Possible breakdown of the market for printed and potentially printed electronics in 2035 by numbers and value

1.13. Success and failures

2.1. Market forecasts for 2035 in US$ billion

2.2. End user markets relevant to printed electronics

2.3. Leading market drivers 2025

2.4. Some potential benefits of printed and partly printed organic and inorganic electronics and electrics over conventional devices and non-electronic printing in various applications

2.5. Types of printed/thin film photovoltaics beyond silicon compared, with examples of suppliers

2.6. Primary assumptions of organic electronics in full production 2013-2035

3.1. Global market for printed electronics logic and memory 2015-2025 in billions of dollars, with % printed and % flexible

Flexible, Organic and Printed Electronics Market Forecast

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